I haven't blogged in FOREVER!!!! I really don't have any valid excuse other than I felt like nobody really read it so why blog?? I haven't been on my computer much and I can't pull it up from my ipad so I just haven't done it. I feel like tonight I should start again. There's been so much going on and I'm sure I can't catch up on everything but I guess I can try!
August: We bought our first house out in Eagle Mountain! I love the area that we're in but I remember saying goodbye to Robbie's grandma (where we had been staying for the last year and a half) and left crying because I knew it wouldn't be the same. It was so awesome living with them but at the same time so hard because I wanted our own space. I wanted Brooklynn to have a room of her own. I wanted to be able to bake and make cakes again. If I could do it over again I would still stay with them. I learned what amazing people they are and I became so close to them. I have nothing but good to say about them. To put up with us for a year and a half when it was only suppose to be 6 months was so kind of them.
I was grateful Brooklynn was able to see them on a daily basis. She is their first great grandchild (out of two-which the other one is in Texas) and to see them dote over every little thing she did was priceless. She still is able to have a sleepover every week with them and then they watch her one day during the day while I work.
I'm grateful to not have the 40 minute commute every day both ways. That was so draining physically and mentally because I wasn't able to spend much time with Brooklynn and i hated that!!!
The ward that we are in is amazing! From day one I have felt welcome! I'm so grateful for the bishopric and for the friends that we have made since being here. I know this is where we are suppose to be.
On October 29 my twin brother, Jeff, was killed in a car accident. That was one of the worst days of my life and I'm still struggling with it. He was killed instantly so I know he didn't suffer but I miss him so much. I wasn't extremely close to him-we'd see each other every few months at parties but I sure miss him.
There were so many tender mercies that happened after he passed that made me aware that my Heavenly Father loves me. I still receive those tender mercies. Every time I see a sunrise/sunset my mind instantly goes to Jeff and I know that somehow he played a part in sending one my way to brighten my day.
My family says I love you a lot more now. Those of you that know my family know that we're not extremely close-which I regret now but I'm trying to work on it. My dad has been a ROCK for all of us to lean on. I'm so grateful he is my dad.
It's been almost 5 months that he's passed but it still feels like yesterday I got the awful call at work. I'm grateful for the plan of salvation to know that I will see him again. I know he's up with my grandpa preparing the way for when we all pass but it doesn't make the loss any easier. I would be lost without the gospel and the knowledge that I will see him again! What an amazing gift that is.
On a lighter note-Brooklynn is now 2 and talking up a storm. She is the smartest little girl I know. She makes me laugh so hard and is such an amazing little girl. I'm so blessed to be her mom. She's just our little miracle. I can't even imagine my life without her-or what it was like before her. I'm getting ready to start potty training her soon. Wish me luck on that one.
I guess that's it for now. I will try to update when I can with pictures!
Gigs Is The Goat
1 week ago